About the Mental Health category

Many of us facing the serious illness or loss of a parent must contend with new or ongoing mental health concerns. Depression and anxiety often accompany these situations, and many cases linger long after the initial trigger. This discussion thread is centered on mental health questions, concerns, and experiences. We hope that this space can clarify some of your mental health questions, help de-stigmatize mental health care, and give you all a sense of comfort in knowing that you are not alone.

The rules we expect our users to follow are included below:

  • Be respectful and exercise empathy
  • While you may give advice on potentially helpful self-care activities, refrain from making recommendations on medical treatments beyond suggesting general therapeutic or psychiatric care
  • All replies should offer responses or meaningful support to the original poster
  • No self promotion of any kind
  • No sales or trades permitted
  • No diagnosis required to post or comment
  • Absolutely zero tolerance for any posts or comments encouraging, enabling, or suggesting self-destructive or self-harming behavior

Any disrespectful, offensive, hateful, or harmful comments or posts will be promptly removed.